
(参议院:7/3/73, 2/7/79, 8/19/81, 4/26/83, 1/19/93, 7/29/97, 11/23/99; President: 7/5/73, 2/27/79, 10/6/81, 5/5/83, 2/16/93, 12/4/97, 12/28/99; Editorial Amendment: 9/00, 8/01; 9/03)

受托人政策. 项目评审 on this campus has its origins in Chancellor's Office memor和um AP 71-32, “现有学位专业课程绩效评估”,它要求每个校园“为校园内所有现有学位课程建立正式的绩效评估程序,以便定期评估每个本科和研究生课程在总课程背景下的定量和定性可行性。." AP 71-32 was endorsed by the Educational Policies Committee of the Board of Trustees, 随后在7月14日由董事会批准, 1971. Although initiated in the context of limited resources 和 impelled by externally defined quantitative criteria, 审查过程已经成熟为一个密集的, 对部门/部门/学校有利的以质量为导向的项目, 大学, 和大学一样.

项目评审目的. 项目审查的目的是使大学, its 大学 和 its departments/divisions/schools to effectively achieve their stated objectives, 和 to examine on a continuing basis the worthiness of these programs; in short, the purpose is to maintain 和 strengthen the quality of the University's curriculum. 项目审查的重点是提供一个高质量的大学水平的项目,与社会的总体需求相平衡, 城市社区的需求, 专业准备要求, 学生的兴趣. 计划审查导致与计划相关的明智建议, 教师, 和 student needs; curricular planning, 资源分配, 和 management; 和 such matters as recognition of unique situations, 额外学习或计划的需要, 增加, 维护, 计划的巩固或中止, 以及应对可用资源减少的问题, 同时试图保持和提高节目质量.


  1. Program review is a judgmental process which uses both qualitative 和 quantitative data; it is comprehensive 和 intensive.
  2. 质量不能轻易定义或简单地评估. It emerges from honest professional discourse about the evaluation criteria that should be applied, 知识的变化, 程序之间的关系, 以及学生和整个社会的教育需求.

审查周期. 根据受托人的决议, each academic program must be reviewed qualitatively 和 quantitatively at least once every five years. 教务长和学术事务副校长办公室或该办公室指定的下属单位将与学院管理部门协商,确定每个部门/部门/学院和跨学科项目的具体审查周期. 在每年审查的项目选择中, 相关学科将尽可能分组,并以每年大约五分之一的项目在审查期间进行审查的方式进行. 研究生课程的审查将与同一学科的本科课程的审查同时进行, 并协调该学科的认证周期. 在新项目中, it should be expected that a developmental period of up to five years will be required to establish a valid measure of their productivity. 总统, 教务长兼学术事务副校长, 或者教育政策委员会可以在任何学年要求对项目进行额外的审查,以进行计划或满足校长办公室或董事会的要求. 大学审查以外的审查当然可以由学院或部门/部门/学校在教务长和学术事务副校长办公室安排的时间以外的时间进行, 他们可能会主动要求大学审查. 项目审查时间表和所有后续修改将由教务长和学术事务副校长办公室公布,并分发给全体教员.

定期检查. 计划进行大学审查的部门/部门/学院或跨学科小组为正在考虑的项目准备完整的项目审查文件, 这是系/科/全校协商的结果, 并按照项目审查小组委员会规定的格式提交. 然而, 在过去的三年中,一个部门/部门/学校的课程经历了包括外部评审员在内的专业认证,将准备一个矩阵,比较认证和课程审查的标准和标准, 和, 如果有必要的话, a modified report consisting of those sections which are not addressed in the accreditation documents. 完整的项目审查报告将提交给在认证过程中未涉及的部门/部门/学院项目. 须向小组委员会提供所有认可文件的副本.

定期审查认证项目. Because the goal 和 intent of program review 和 accreditation are distinct, programs that have undergone accreditation review must also undergo program review, 尽管修改后的, 以便利用所做的工作进行认证. 因此, 在计划的项目审查前一年,项目将制定一个矩阵,将项目审查标准和标准与认证所需的标准和标准进行比较, 然后交给学院院长. 矩阵和认证文件将由一个特设委员会进行审查,以确定认证文件在多大程度上符合项目审查标准. This ad hoc committee will be composed of the executive secretary of the 计划检讨小组委员会, 计划审查小组委员会主席, 学院院长, 以及这个项目的主席. 在文件审查结束时, 特设委员会将向教务长和负责学术事务的副校长报告项目的认证文件在多大程度上符合项目审查自学的要求, 和 identify any areas that should be addressed in a modified program review self-study.

项目审查小组委员会 is selected according to established campus procedures.*

经过项目审查小组委员会的审查, its report will be transmitted to the department/division/school 和 college for their responses. The report of the 计划检讨小组委员会 shall be prepared by the voting members of the subcommittee. 项目审查小组委员会 report 和 response will be submitted to the Educational Policy Committee. 项目审查小组委员会 report 和 response will be filed in both college 和 university academic planning 和 resources offices, where they can be used for planning purposes (which might include processes such as long-range program planning, 程序修改, 以及资源的重新分配), 用于系统范围分析的数据提取, 以及项目发展的其他积极方面. Implementation of recommended changes shall be h和led through appropriate academic channels.

外部审核. All programs to be reviewed by the 计划检讨小组委员会 are subject to an independent evaluation by external reviewers. 除非项目审查小组委员会另有决定, 在过去三年内进行过外部审查或国家认证的部门/部门/学校将不受此要求的限制. The external reviewers will be individuals of significant professional reputation in the field, who will report their findings to the 计划检讨小组委员会 和 to the appropriate department/division/school or college. 评估报告将成为永久项目审查文件的一部分. The 教务长兼学术事务副校长 or designee will be responsible for the overall coordination of the external review.

Nominations for evaluators of each program will be solicited from the chair of the department/division or director of the school, 学院院长, 还有其他机构, 高等教育协会及专业组织. Nominees should have no prior or present academic appointment at Cal State, Los Angeles. These nominees will be reviewed by the departmental/divisional/school 教师, 谁可以有理由拒绝任何被提名者. The external review evaluators will be selected from the remaining nominees by the 计划检讨小组委员会. When possible one evaluator should be from the CSU system 和 one from outside the CSU system. 评估员将花至少两天的时间在校园里与学生会面, 工作人员, 部门/部门/学校教师, 和管理员, 然后准备一份书面评估. Sufficient funds to cover the expense of the external reviews will be included in the budget of the University.

额外的评论. 学生学术支持计划(大学写作中心), 教程中心, 学术指导中心, 测试中心, GE荣誉计划, PALS Program 和 the 图书馆) must be reviewed qualitatively 和 quantitatively on a periodic basis. 审查周期和审查标准的确定将由教务长和学术事务副校长办公室或该办公室指定的下属单位在与教育政策委员会协商后批准. 为审查每一项计划,将召集特设审查委员会,其中应包括相应的参议院委员会成员(如果该委员会存在), i.e.,学术指导中心-学术指导小组委员会. 在新项目中, it should be expected that a developmental period of up to five years will be required to establish a valid measure of their achievement. 总统, 教务长兼学术事务副校长, 或者教育政策委员会可以在任何学年要求对上述项目进行额外的审查,以进行计划或满足校长办公室或董事会的要求.

(参议院:1/5/82, 3/6/90, 2/25/97, 5/20/03; President: 1/18/82, 4/5/90, 4/22/97, 9/5/03; Editorial Amendment: 9/00, 8/01, 11/07)

负责. 项目评审小组委员会的职责如下:

  1. 执行受托人足彩外围网站学位课程审查的政策.*
  2. To report 和 recommend to the Educational Policy Committee any proposed policies that might be desired.
    *参见标题部分 学位课程审查.

会员. 小组委员会的成员应由下列人员组成:


  1. 每个学院选出一名终身教职员工,任期三年,按学院教职员工多数票通过的程序选出. 候补委员也应按上述程序选举产生. 教师 in the 图书馆 和 Student Affairs are considered the same as a college for this purpose. 会员应为大学的代表, 而不是作为各自学院的代表.
  2. 每年由教育政策委员会从其成员或其他小组委员会成员中选出一名终身成员.
  3. One tenured 教师 member elected from the 教师 of the college which houses the department/division/school being reviewed, 不包括那个系/部门/学校的教员. This member serves only when programs in his or her college are being reviewed.
  4. 一个上分区, classified graduate or posbaccalaureate credential student member selected annually by the Board of Directors of the Associated 学生, 公司. The criteria for the student member are the same as those specified for student members of the Academic Senate (Constitution of the 教师, 部分h, 附录C 教师手册).
  5. The 教务长兼学术事务副校长 or designee who serves ex officio as executive secretary, 无投票权的.

法定人数. 小组委员会的所有成员都应该出席所有的审议,所有成员都必须在最终的项目审查报告上签字.


  1. 该小组委员会的官员由主席和副主席组成,每年由小组委员会在学年的最后一次会议上由下一学年的小组委员会成员选举产生.
  2. The chair shall call regularly scheduled meetings of the subcommittee 和 shall set the agenda.
  3. 主席应在春季学期的第二周确定下一年的教师替换需求,并通知常务委员会主席,常务委员会主席应通知适当的机构进行必要的选举.

会议时间. 项目审查小组委员会 meets weekly on Thursdays from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m.